Resep: 54. Watermelon Juice yang Gurih!

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

54. Watermelon Juice. Blend watermelon, water, and sugar in a blender until smooth. Watermelon Juice - Summer Thirst Quencher. To make watermelon juice, add watermelon, ginger, & lemon juice in a blender.

54. Watermelon Juice Watermelon juice isn't hard to do. It only takes minutes to prepare a beverage like this. This is commonly done in pool parties in above ground pools. Kamu dapat menghidangkan 54. Watermelon Juice hanya dengan menggunakan 2 bahan dan 2 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin 54. Watermelon Juice yuk!

Bahan-bahan 54. Watermelon Juice

  1. Gunakan 250 gr of semangka merah.
  2. Gunakan 4 sdm of gula pasir.

Carefully cut away the rind and discard. It is a best thirst quencher and a body coolant in summer. Delicious and refreshing watermelon juice - a favorite drink in the summer time! Made primarily with watermelon and strawberries, you can't go wrong with this delicious, sweet juice recipe.

Langkah-langkah memasak 54. Watermelon Juice

  1. Kupas kulit semangka, ambil daging buahnya. Potong dadu kecil. Kebetulan semangka nya sudah ditaruh di dalam kulkas semalaman, jadi sudah dingin sekali dan tidak usah ditambah es batu untuk jus nya..
  2. Masukkan ke dalam blender. Beri gula pasir. Tidak usah ditambahkan air lagi ya. Karena semangka sudah mengandung banyak air. Blender sampai halus. Tuang ke dalam gelas. Siap diminum..

The largest repository of Watermelon e-juice recipes on the internet. This is a shake and vape juice that is both juicy and fruity. Adjust VG/PG and nicotine to your. Combine watermelon, ice, honey, and black pepper in a blender. Food Nutrition Information for Watermelon juice, How many calories in Watermelon juice.