Mango Sticky Rice Mudah. This mango sticky rice recipe requires just a few ingredients. Use the ripest mangoes you can find, good-quality coconut milk (avoid "lite" options), and Thai sweet rice. Also called glutinous rice or sticky rice, it can be found at Asian food stores and well-stocked supermarkets.
This wonderful and authentic-tasting Thai dessert is as good, if not better, than any sweet sticky rice with Mango available in Thai restaurants.
Mango sticky rice - The sweet gooey, nutty sticky rice is served with lucious coconut cream and sliced mango.
Ripe mangoes are key to creating the best mango sticky rice.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kawan-kawan dapat memasak Mango Sticky Rice Mudah hanya dengan menggunakan 14 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Mango Sticky Rice Mudah yuk!
Bahan-bahan Mango Sticky Rice Mudah
- Gunakan of Mangga.
- Dibutuhkan 1 Buah of Mangga harum manis.
- Siapkan of Bahan Ketan.
- Sediakan 1/4 Kg of Beras Ketan.
- Dibutuhkan 1 Bungkus of Santan Kara.
- Dibutuhkan Sedikit of Gula + Garam.
- Diperlukan Secukupnya of Air.
- Sediakan of Bahan Vla.
- Sediakan 1 Bungkus of Santan Kara.
- Dibutuhkan 1 Gelas of air.
- Sediakan 2 sdm of gula pasir.
- Siapkan Sedikit of garam.
- Diperlukan 1 sdt of Maizena.
- Sediakan of Daun Pandan (jika ingin wangi, gak pake gpp).
If your mangoes are still tough, simply store them at room temperature to let them ripen further before cutting them. Mango Sticky Rice is sweetened sticky rice with fresh mangoes. This dessert is very popular in Thailand and Southeast Asia. Mango sticky rice is made with coconut milk, sugar, salt and mango cubes.
Cara memasak Mango Sticky Rice Mudah
- Kukus ketan sampai hampir matang..
- Setelah hampir matang, angkat ketan lalu aduk bersama santan, air, gula + garam. Lalu masak kembali sampai matang. Sisihkan.
- Pembuatan Vla : Campur semua bahan vla, lalu masak hingga mendidih.
- Setelah mendidih, campur maizena yg sudah di larutkan kedalam air. aduk trus sampai mengental.
- Tata ketan, lalu di siram vla dan taburi dengan keju. lalu potong mangga sesuai selera.
The combination of mango and sticky rice are so delicious! The main reason I order Thai food is for the mango sticky rice. This is a classic take on the Thai dessert and uses a different method than you would expect for cooking rice. For Thai mango sticky rice, the sticky rice is steamed, mixed with thick coconut cream and sugar, paired with perfectly ripe yellow sweet mango, served with some extra coconut cream on the top to make it even better, and finally often some crispy yellow mung beans are sprinkled on the very top. Thai recipe for Mango on Sticky Rice.